It’s that time of the year when many of us say “farewell” to our diets and pull our long-johns and layers out of the closet! The temptation to overindulge in food is all around us – whether it’s holiday parties, a mouth-watering dinner table spread, or grandma’s homemade pumpkin pie. However, when it comes to great tasting sausage this holiday season, there’s no need to completely disregard all semblance of health consciousness. Just “Say Uncle!”
Uncle Charley’s Is Leaner Than Other Sausages
Holiday-inspired sausage and cheese displays are in full force at grocery stores right now – but only one great tasting sausage is made from the freshest, highest-quality premium cuts of lean pork.
You wouldn’t know it from the rich taste of Uncle Charley’s sausage – a blend of the freshest, most pungent, spices perfected by founder Charles Armitage nearly 30 years ago – but our meats are much leaner and more protein dense than most other sausages.
The fat ratio of Uncle Charley’s sausages can be 10% to 30% lower than other brands. In fact, it is 35% to 40% leaner than USDA Standards.
Since the company’s start, Uncle Charley’s has locally sourced its pork from smaller and leaner hogs. From a business perspective, this meant no bidding wars with the Bob Evans’ and Johnsonville’s of the world for 450 pound pigs. However, more importantly, it has also allowed us to carve a niche for ourselves in the marketplace by offering healthier, better tasting sausage.
Yeah, But It’s Still Sausage – It Can’t Be Good For You, Right?
Lean pork has gained acceptance as an excellent addition to any weight loss diet. Particularly when it’s packed with protein. We are now seeing lean pork and poultry sausages co-starring in healthy recipes with kale and quinoa. There’s a new mindset with sausage these days. We now know what really good sausage is!
We know that eating sausage is fine if we stick to those that are leaner and made from premium parts of the animal. The highest quality mince, no weird pig parts. And that’s Uncle Charley’s sausage!
Here are a few other reasons Uncle Charley’s is one of the most guilt-free sausage on the market.
Natural Casings
Many of the large industrial sausage manufacturers these days use artificial or synthetic casings. While these are usually edible collagen cases made from cow or pig hides, Polyamide (Nylon) plastic casings are also used. These casings compromise both flavor and texture.
Uncle Charley’s grillers use a natural casing, which is the original, best looking, and best tasting option. Natural casings are the only type of casing that can be classified as organic. They’re made from the stripped and cleaned gastrointestinal tract of a farm animal. Only salt and water is used for cleaning and preservation. Meats in salted casings tend to be lower in fat than those that aren’t.
When it comes to flavor, natural casings breathe, which results in a deeply flavorful, rich-tasting sausage. Smoking and cooking flavors permeate the casing to infuse the meat; creating a wonderfully distinctive and even flavor throughout.
Since Uncle Charley’s sausage casings are all natural, they’re more pleasing to the eye than other sausages sold at stores. Natural casings look real and are sometimes irregular in shape or size with a particular sheen as well as curves and rounded ends.
Locally Farmed By Farmers That Treat Animals Responsibly
The high-quality premium meats used in Uncle Charley’s sausage come from local farms and preparatory facilities closely scrutinized by the USDA. The company only works with farmers who believe in the responsible and ethical treatment of animals. They must also truly care about what goes into their products
No Preservatives
Uncle Charley’s is locally sourced and uses no preservatives. A clean label with an uncomplicated easy-to-pronounce list of ingredients that you don’t have to Google has always been a priority of the company.
Never Frozen
Since the meat in Uncle Charley’s sausage is locally sourced, it is never frozen. Sausages typically go from farm to shelf in just three days.
Honest Nutritional Information
The packaging of Uncle Charley’s sausages provides calorie counts based on the number of actual links or patties, not some artificial serving size.
Uncle Charley’s has been making sausage for over 30 years. Our sausage is made from the highest-quality, premium cuts of pork for a healthier, better tasting sausage that’s always fresh, honest, and delicious. Visit us online at http://www.unclecharleys.com/ for premium cut lean sausage that’s locally sourced and as fresh as fresh can be with natural ingredients and casing. View our special holiday promotions!
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