Posted on 19/12/2016 09:00 NEWSCould it be New Years Eve already? It seems like just yesterday we published Fall Festivals Around the World. Now that the fall season has past, it’s time to look forward to what’s ahead – 2017. What better way to bring in the New Year than with a bang! Whether it’s hosting a small party with Uncle Charley’s hors d’oeuvres, or a night on the town, New Years Eve around the world should be celebrated, it only come once a year after all.
If you really want to make 2017 a year to remember, consider trying some of these best New Years Eve celebrations around the world.
New York City, New York
NYC is one of the most iconic places in the United States to celebrate the New Year. Every year, over a million people gather in Times Square to watch the 12,000 pound crystal ball drop over Times Square. We get it, New York City on New Years Eve might not be for everyone. For those who are looking for a more quiet setting, NYC offers tons of other options including, restaurants, midnight runs, firework cruises and more!
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
If Rio De Janeiro is known for anything, it’s their Carnival festivities, so you know their New Years Eve celebration won’t disappoint. The famous Copacabana Beach hosts the world’s largest New Years Eve bash. Two million people gather across the two-and-a-half mile stretch of sand to celebrate the religious, traditional, and superstitious beliefs. After an evening long of various performances and celebrations, the night concludes at midnight with a fireworks display.
Edinburgh, Scotland
The annual Hoganay celebration happens on the last day of the year. Thousands of people gather in Edinburgh for the world-famous musical acts and ceilidh dancing throughout the streets. The celebration really gets started after the midnight fireworks show. Activities last throughout the night and pick back up the next day with a run down the Royal Mile, diving into the frigid waters of the River Forth, the Loony Dook Parade and a dog-sledding competition.
Paris, France
Imagine spending New Years Eve in the most romantic city in the world with fireworks erupting over the Eiffel Tower – can you say ooh la la? Paris holds one of the most beautiful New Years Eve celebrations in the world. If Paris wasn’t already the City of Lights, it definitely would be on New Years Eve. A firework and light show illuminates the night sky and offers a romantic setting to the night cruises along the Seine.
No matter where t you choose to spend your New Years Eve, don’t forget to celebrate New Years Day with a tradition – Uncle Charley’s Fresh Pork Sausage and sauerkraut.
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